The Whole Pint

I imagine hosting a blog is a lot like speed dating. You have approximately 30 seconds to impress someone enough they’ll want to get to know you better. I have a slight advantage though because you and I already have something in common. Ice cream!  Did somebody say ice cream?!  Oh yeah, that was me…

Ice cream, It’s that cold and creamy dessert that can be enjoyed on its own or can accompany another dessert to make an ultra mega ultimate supreme sweet rapture of the gods dessert. Pretty much every dessert is improved by the addition of ice cream. It’s like adding whipped cream to your hot chocolate. It’s an improvement, it jazzes it up(You know like the Zatarains commercial. Is that a commercial anymore? I don’t have cable).

Wait! I know what some of you are thinking, “Hey, I’m lactose intolerant, I’m here for the sorbet.” Awesome, so am I. Well, the “here for the sorbet” part, I’m not lactose intolerant. Sorbet is great; fruit, sugar and water blended and frozen into a smooth and sophisticated treat. It also makes delicious mixed drinks. I like to compare sorbet to the genie’s lamp. It’s small and has this seductively shiny quality that commands attentions, but the powerful flavor that comes out of sorbet is immense. Your first wish will be that you had more. I bet that put a fun image in your mind. Oh! And did I mention, sorbet makes THE BEST mixed drinks?  Hurry up summer!

My main objective here is to provide you with a little window into the ice cream maker’s world and to offer up some melt in your mind recipes (which may or may not have anything to do with ice cream)that will hopefully have you returning for more(must have the precious!).

You will undoubtedly notice I have a tendency to stray from topic(a side effect of being a multi-tasker and a mom I think), and I often get overly excited about random things(nutmeg is the best! Why is it not in more things?!). Also, I’m not always a rational thinker(Why can’t we put nutmeg in our Chocolate Chip Mint?), but isn’t that how great things manifest? By experimenting with new and possibly strange ideas? I’m sure hard work and perseverance probably play a role in there somewhere too.

I live for staying in motion- tasting new foods and experiencing new things. Chillin’ is not something that comes easy for me(just ask my family). And I fully believe we are the makers of our happiness. Have fun, eat some ice cream(sorbet), go for a walk, enjoy your life and try not to take yourself so seriously.

You’re now probably asking yourself, “Why is she giving us her life story? Remember, I’m here for the ice cream/sorbet.” Sorry, I did mention I sometimes get off topic, right?

I’m pretty excited to share with you some of my favorite ice cream/sorbet related recipes and to get some feedback from you. And then maybe you will be so kind as to send me your favorite recipes and then we can both get excited together(but separately). I just know we’ll be great friends!

Here’s wishing your day is as sweet as mine.